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Introduction - Animals of the Ice

Are you ready to visit the animals of the ice?


Symone Johnson:

They run,
they swim,
they slide, waddle and fly.
Their summer days are long and winter days are short and almost always very cold. They travel , hunt and raise families in some of the most beautiful and extreme landscapes on planet Earth.

Polar bears, penguins, seals, fish, krill and birds, they all live on or under the ice.

Today, because of a warming planet, their lives are changing and for many species, life is getting harder as the ice retreats and food becomes difficult to find.

Sea ice isn’t only important to the animals, it’s also a regulator of weather and can protect people who live on the coasts from erosion. Melting polar ice can also contribute to sea level rise, so it’s important that we get the science right. NOAA scientists are using satellites, ships and on-site measuring tools to track the extent of the sea ice. They want to understand how fast it’s melting and what to expect in the future.

On Camera:
Let’s dive into animals of the ice and learn how we can help protect the creatures who call it home.

Let’s get started!