Original Air date: July 2, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
Length: 41 Minutes
Live from Ocean City, New Jersey!
Attention parents, teachers, kids, and ocean lovers of all ages! Are the Beach or Bay part of your summer plans? If they are, you will want to watch the archive of our Ocean Today LIVE event that took place on July 2 @ 2pm EDT with Ocean Today host Symone Barkley and ocean safety expert Bruckner Chase. Watch cool videos, visit the beach live, and learn everything you need to know to make your next trip to the shore your best and safest.
Click the following topic links to watch the specific sections in the watch party:
Staying safe by the bay (7:10)
What to pack in your beach bag (9:50)
How to safely enter/exit the water (16:17)
Rip currents and the power of waves (18:25) - You are watching now.
Staying wave safe in California (21:05)
Staying wave safe in the Pacific Northwest (24:37)
Think like a lifeguard (28:18)
"Take Ten" when you see someone in trouble (34:07)