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Introduction - Coral Comeback?

Jump start the series with this engaging introduction from shark researcher and National Aquarium educator, Symone Johnson.


Symone Johnson:

Hi everyone, I’m Symone Johnson and in addition to being your host, I’m a shark researcher.

When I’m out collecting data about sharks, one of my favorite underwater activities is seeing the remarkable diversity and beauty of coral reefs.

There is no doubt these are special places. But corals are having a tough time adapting to warmer ocean water and the large amounts of greenhouse gases being absorbed into the ocean, changing its chemistry and making it much harder for corals to bounce back.

In this series, we will look at all the great benefits corals have to people and critters. We will learn how super corals are being developed in the lab, and we will meet the experts who are providing the science and exploring solutions that support a movement to help corals make a comeback.